Business Consulting Services

Image Align Left APOYO Consultoria is the leading firm in business advisory services in economics, finance and strategy. More than 40 years of experience in consulting in Peru, backed by a multidisciplinary team of professionals with extensive experience and sector knowledge. » view website
  • Business Advisory Service (SAE)
  • Economic Consulting
  • Corporate Finance
  • Management Consulting
  • Analytics
  • Investment Management (AC Capitales)

Communication services

Image Align Left APOYO Comunicación provides strategic communication solutions for brand and reputation management, as well as risk prevention. Its success is based on a deep knowledge of the characteristics of its clients’ businesses and its stakeholders. » view website
  • Strategic Communication Advisory
  • Stakeholder and Reputation Studies
  • Digital Communication
  • Internal communication
  • Sustainability and Social Responsibility

Administrative Management Services

Image Align Left APOYO Gestión Operativa offers its clients management accounting services, personnel administration and legal and tax advice, especially in those activities intensive in qualified personnel. » view website
  • Operational Management Consulting
  • Legal, Tax and Corporate Advice
  • Staff Administration
  • Billing and Collections

Information of interest (only in spanish)

¿Qué está debajo de la homofobia extrema?

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Minería y comunicación: Énfasis actual debe estar en cierre de brechas

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Empresas cambian estrategias ante nuevo entorno para competir

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Our commitment to education

Image Align Left For more than twenty years, Instituto APOYO has been designing and executing innovative educational proposals focused on developing useful abilities and skills for life.


  • Math for Everyone
  • Business for All
  • Science for All – Experimento
  • Educational Management for All

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